Archive for July, 2014

New flyover trackwork completed & section of existing track re-laid

July 28th, 2014

Work has been progressing well on Rochelle Intermodal over the past week. I’ve completed all the trackwork on the new flyover section, including laying the single-slip and left-hand turnout (they still need to be hooked up to point motors…somehow!).

I also had to re-lay a section of track on the Caron loop board as the S-bend was too tight for my new Trinity Reefers from BLMA and ExactRail. Now they run round perfectly!

Still a few niggly bits of trackwork to sort out, mainly the rails at the board ends, some of which need slight alignment adjustment as there are still occasional derailments.

Here are a couple of photos showing the new flyover and replacement track:

I’ll post some more photos later this week as I do more work on the layout. My next step is to airbrush the trackwork with Testors Concrete, then paint the rails ready for ballasting.

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