Part 3 of my tutorial on building an N Scale Signal Kit by Showcase Miniatures. Follow along as I start my build of a single head block signal, showing you how I assemble the kit.
In Part 3 of my tutorial I show you how I add wires, connect a resistor and test the LED, ready for mounting on the layout.
Part 2 of my tutorial on building an N Scale Signal Kit by Showcase Miniatures. Follow along as I start my build of a single head block signal, showing you how I assemble the kit.
This video is in 2 sections – in Section 1 I showed you how to remove and clean the parts, then how to assemble the signal.
Now, in Section 2, I show you how I install the LED, complete adding the final parts of the signal and paint the signal ready for mounting on the layout.
Part 2 of my tutorial on building an N Scale Signal Kit by Showcase Miniatures. Follow along as I start my build of a single head block signal, showing you how I assemble the kit.
This video is in 2 sections – in Section 1 I show you how to remove and clean the parts, then how to assemble the signal.
In Section 2, coming in the next two days, I will show you how I install the LED, complete adding the final parts of the signal and paint the signal ready for mounting on the layout.
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