Welcome to the Rochelle Intermodal website, showcasing my old N scale layout. This layout was loosely based on Rochelle, Illinois, and had an intermodal facility (based on Global III) and industrial switching areas (based on Caron Road, Rochelle, IL.). This website is a place to show you my old Rochelle Intermodal N scale layout, with photos and videos. This website is no longer being updated.
This is Part 3 of my review of the scaletrains.com N scale GE Tier 4 GEVO locomotive.
In Part 3 I look at the pulling power of the scaletrains.com GEVO, and compare it to a Kato ES44AC (with ESU decoder) and a Kato SD70MAC (with non-sound Digitrax decoder).
If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel to see more of my reviews, demonstrations and updates on my Rochelle Intermodal N scale layout.
This is Part 2 of my review of the scaletrains.com N scale GE Tier 4 GEVO locomotive.
In Part 2 I review the details and show you close-up views of the details that are on this locomotive. In Part 3 coming soon, I’ll be comparing the pulling power of the scaletrains.com GE Tier 4 GEVO and the Kato ES44AC GEVO locomotives to see which one has more power.
If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel to see more of my reviews, demonstrations and updates on my Rochelle Intermodal N scale layout.
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