Progress update…!
Peter Borcherds August 5th, 2009
Right, it’s about time I did another update! Unfortunately the day job has been getting in the way…but I’ve slowly been making progress on the new addition…Caron Street.
I’ve been doing wiring troubleshooting, and can happily say board 1 of Caron Street has passed the first test! ie. no shorts! Now time to wire up the BDL168 block detector…I’ll be testing board 2 early next week, then will run wires across from that board to the BDL168 on board 1.
The first building has been completed, now just waiting for painting and weathering – the Walthers ADM Grain Elevator
I’m still deciding what branding to give it…Cargill is the leader at the moment…I’m busy working on the Oil Dealer kit, then will be tackling the Lumber yard. I’m hoping to have another update early next week…I had better get a move on, as this all needs to be finished by 19th September! Tick tock!!
I’ll be taking the existing boards down to my club, the Seaboard Southern group, in Crawley, so that our members can have a layout to run N scale stock on, and also so that I can have it up to work on, as I need to re-lay two points and do some weathering. At the moment I don’t have space at home to have that part of the layout up at the same time as I am working on Caron Street – I need a bigger house!! It will also give our members a chance to get used to running a DCC and computer-controlled layout…
Right, need to crack on! Look out for another update next week!