Archive for April, 2013

All lights up and ceiling 85% done!

April 10th, 2013

Thanks to the huge help from Graham yesterday, the three fluorescent light fittings are now up in the garage and ready for wiring in.  The ceiling is 85% finished as well!  So, this coming weekend I will finish the ceiling and start filling all the screw holes and the joints between the wall and ceiling boards.  The electricians are booked in for the end of this month, so exciting times ahead!  This time next month the garage should be painted and ready for the flooring to be laid…

Here is the latest photo showing the lights and ceiling:

Thank you, Graham, your help was much appreciated!  The 8 hours spent grafting away was worth it – and we had great fun doing it – just a pity we are both a bit knackered and in pain today…the joy of being over 40!

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First light installed!

April 1st, 2013

A very productive long weekend.  I finished installing the plywood walls (just the pillars to do now) and have almost finished the roof woodwork – I sort of miscalculated the wood needed and am short of a few lengths!  Plus I somehow forgot to order the last few insulation boards…so I couldn’t finish insulating the ceiling!  Doh!  But at least the framework is in place and ready for insulating.

But the most exciting bit is that I installed plasterboard on the ceiling in 2 places – and installed the first fluorescent light fitting!  Next weekend I will get the rest of the ceiling insulated and then my good friend Graham from my railroad club is coming next Wednesday to help me with the rest of the ceiling – a lot easier with two people!

So, here are photos part of the ceiling and of the new light fitting – the end is truly in sight!

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