I’ve installed and tested the first signal on Rochelle Intermodal. Just need to fix it to the layout now – but all working! Now just to find the rest of my signals and get them installed as well.
The last 4 nights have been spent rewiring the Caron Street boards (the industrial switching district) to simplify the wiring, although I spent two entire nights trying to find and fix shorts! But finally all sorted!
Previously the entire trackage was block detected, but I decided that it was unnecessary and not prototypical, so now just the main tracks have block detection.
This has allowed me to add extra blocks to help with signalling and has also given me 8 free blocks that I can now use on the new ‘joining’ boards, saving the purchase of a 3rd BDL168 detector.
In addition, I have added a PSX power breaker for the Caron Street tracks, putting an end to entire layout shorting while switching! While at it, I have also added a new accessory bus to be used with a Tam Valley Depot DCC accessory booster (arriving in the next few days), so finally I can change turnouts even if there is a short, and giving extra power back to running trains.
I also re-did my track plan in Railroad & Co, as for some reason the original file had disappeared, but I’ve now also add the 3 new ‘joining’ boards, with their flyover.
So, the final bit of work to do on the current boards is to add the accessory booster when it arrives. Then I can finally get back to adding the track to the new boards and wiring it all up.
So, a busy few weeks ahead! Some photos to come soon…
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